According to medical experts, blowing VUVUZELAS is good for you! In fact, doctors have advised that exposure to vuvuzelas over the course of 90 minutes is nowhere near enough - for maximum health benefits, individuals should parp on their vuvuzelas for a minimum of 4-5 hours a day. And the only people who hate vuvuzelas are 1) Paul McCartney 2) Dennis the Menace's dad 3) the SWP.
And that's no word of a lie!!
# posted by Martin : 11:53 PM <%=MakeComment("1473103102713667347","beyond the implode:"Did you know?"....IT'S A BTi WORLD CUP FACT!","")%>
MICK McCARTHY's COMMENTARIES were played over a tannoy in Camp X-Ray, between the hours of 8am and 6pm! It's TRUE!
# posted by Martin : 8:54 PM <%=MakeComment("4623463146708950675","beyond the implode:"Did you know?"....IT'S A BTi WORLD CUP FACT!","")%>
97% OF MALE Londoners who buy a Brazil shirt during the World Cup do so in the hope they'll suddenly stumble into a pub packed with nubile student girls from Rio, who'll instantly form a connection with them and become their sexy wives...forever! OFFICIAL!
# posted by Martin : 8:19 PM <%=MakeComment("7546761922661662008","beyond the implode:"Did you know?"....IT'S A BTi WORLD CUP FACT!","")%>