Wednesday, June 16, 2010

"Did you know?"....IT'S A BTi WORLD CUP FACT!

According to medical experts, blowing VUVUZELAS is good for you! In fact, doctors have advised that exposure to vuvuzelas over the course of 90 minutes is nowhere near enough - for maximum health benefits, individuals should parp on their vuvuzelas for a minimum of 4-5 hours a day. And the only people who hate vuvuzelas are 1) Paul McCartney 2) Dennis the Menace's dad 3) the SWP. And that's no word of a lie!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

"Did you know?"....IT'S A BTi WORLD CUP FACT!

MICK McCARTHY's COMMENTARIES were played over a tannoy in Camp X-Ray, between the hours of 8am and 6pm! It's TRUE!

"Did you know?"....IT'S A BTi WORLD CUP FACT!

97% OF MALE Londoners who buy a Brazil shirt during the World Cup do so in the hope they'll suddenly stumble into a pub packed with nubile student girls from Rio, who'll instantly form a connection with them and become their sexy wives...forever! OFFICIAL!

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